Filipe Pinto

Assistant Researcher at the Bioengineering and Synthetic Microbiology group at i3S

Filipe Pinto is currently Assistant Researcher at Bioengineering and Synthetic Microbiology Group, i3S. For over 10 years (2006-2016) he focused his research on the molecular biology of cyanobacteria, namely on the expansion of the Synthetic Biology toolbox for Synechocystis PCC 6803 and the development of cyanobacterial chassis for SynBio applications. From 2016-2021, he was a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the field of SynBio at the University Edinburgh (UK), designing and engineering new scalable biological circuits. F. Pinto published 18 papers in ISI indexed journals, including three in Nature Communications, and he is inventor in two granted EU patents. He participated in two EU funded projects (FP6 BioModularH2, FP7 CyanoFactory) and is currently supervising one PhD and a Master student.

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