The EU project PhotoSynH2 and the EIC are delighted to announce the International Summer School on Synthetic Biology/Biological Production of Green Hydrogen, open to all the Portfolio students. This Summer School will be held at i3S ( Porto, Portugal on June 19-20, 2024. More information here.


Kickoff meeting PhotoSynH2 consortium on 3-4 October 2022 at i2sysbio (CSIC), Valencia. 11 ene 2023 Radio Nacional España. A HOMBROS DE GIGANTES. Hidrógeno verde a partir de bacterias modificadas Interview Spanish Prof. Jaramillo 14/01/2023. 30/03/2023 

PhotoSynH2 participated in the kick-off of the portfolio activities in the EIC Pathfinder Green Hydrogen Challenge in Brussels

PhotoSynH2 participated in the EIC portfolio meeting and the Hydrogen Horizons 2023 workshop, both held in Tarragona (Spain).

PhotoSynH2 participated in the EIC organized seminar ‘Desalinization Workshop’ on 8th of June 2023 in Bruxelles

PhotoSynH2 participated in the Advanced Materials on-line meeting that was held on July 12th 2023

PhotoSynH2 participated in the event SciFest, organized by Uppsala University, and aimed at the general public with a special focus on high school students. The event took place September 21-23, and had an estimated total of 6200 attendees

M12 meeting PhotoSynH2 consortium on 12-13 October 2023 at Uppsala, Sweden 

Prof. jaramillo gave the talk “Phage-assisted directed evolution of proteins and RNAs” at the Conference Phages in Paris 2022 on 11-13 oct. 2022 at Institute Pasteur (Paris, France).

CSIC participated in the kick-off of the portfolio activities in the EIC Pathfinder Green Hydrogen Challenge in Brussels October 10-11, 2022.