Paulo Oliveira

Junior Researcher at the Cyanobacterial Natural Products group at CIIMAR

Paulo Oliveira is presently Junior Researcher at the Cyanobacterial Natural Products group at CIIMAR (Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research), and Invited Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto. He has dedicated his academic career to the study of cyanobacteria, focusing on several topics related to their physiology and cell biology, and exploring the potential of these green, sustainable bacterial lifeforms for Biotechnology. He participated in several national and EU-funded R&D and training projects, both as principal investigator and team member. P. Oliveira published more than 40 papers and book chapters in ISI indexed documents, and supervised 2 post-doctoral fellows, 3 PhD, 7 MSc and 9 BSc students. He has been active in popular science dissemination, particularly in the fields of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology.

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