Bernardo Cicchi

B.Sc. in Agricultural Biotechnology

B.Sc. in Agricultural Biotechnology, with a 10+ years experience in microalgal and cyanobacterial physiology and biotechnology, planning experiments and running data analysis and reporting for scientific publications. Expert in mass cultivation of microalgae for production of biomass for food ingredients, nutraceuticals, cosmetics and pharmaceuticals and as source of hydrogen and biofuels.

Since 2013, as a Research Technician at Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, he has collaborated in several national and international research projects and in research contracts with industry partners. He has worked on maintenance and renewal of microalgal cultures and strains, preparation of culture media, planning and management of culture parameters control systems, preparation and management of massive cultures of microalgae and cyanobacteria in photobioreactors in the laboratory and outdoors, optimization and technological improvement in the design of photobioreactors and culture systems; analytical procedures such as extraction and determination of pigments (chlorophyll, phycobiliproteins), total proteins and total carbohydrates, high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) and gas-chromatography, as well as assessment of photosynthetic efficiency and physiology through PAM fluorescence.

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