Lavinia Plataroti

Lavinia is Monitoring and Evaluation officer and Data Collection specialist

Lavinia is Monitoring and Evaluation officer and Data Collection specialist with over seven years of experience in international projects in the field of international development and in particular in evaluation and multi-stakeholder processes. Lavinia is also an experienced workshop facilitator and adult-trainers.

In the last four years, Lavinia worked as Monitoring and Evaluation officer in ngo, fundations and lastly at Algreen BV.

Since January 2023, Lavinia works at Algreen BV, as Project Coordinator, Monitoring and Evaluation officer. In her role, she designs and develops data collection tools for organic certifications, she trains clients on the use of digital data collection tools and ensure data quality by operating client-tailored procedures and protocols. Lastly, Lavinia is in charge of standardize operations and improve the use and dissemination of data and knowledge gathered by Algreen BV for its internal knowledge and process development

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